Tracing missing or lost person

If you are like most people, there is someone out there that you would like to locate for any number of reasons. When we consult with clients, their biggest concern is that they have to pay an investigator a large upfront fee. If the investigator is unsuccessful they end up paying a substantial fee, with nothing to show for it. As a result, many people turn to do-it-yourself websites that promise the world but produce nothing more then stale, outdated information and worthless old addresses. Many times, people end up paying more for these outdated do-it-yourself websites than they would have if they had retained a professional investigator to do the job for them correctly in the first place.
We have solved this dilemma for you. We will locate your subject for a very reasonable fixed fee. If for some reason we are unsuccessful, you pay only a small processing fee.! That is correct: we will absorb the time and expenses associated with your investigation if we are unable to provide you with a current address and/or phone number.
Stop wasting your time and money! Call us now for a free consultation at +254704967808.
Types of locate investigatons we have performed
  • Friends from the past Lost relatives Adoption issues, locate birth parent or adopted child Former neighbors
  • Former business associates
Legal investigations
  • Find witnesses Clients and customers that have moved without notice Debtors that owe you money
  • Deadbeat parents
Contact Us +254 704 967 808